Friday, August 28, 2009

Entry from Last Tuesday.

This was from Last Tuesday

I’m trying to think of a way to tell you about my day in an organized manner. Lets see… well, first of all, you must know im in my apartment on my couch (from davie). My feet are up, im listening to pure moods, and all the happy light are on: aka I’m sitting under Christmas lights and two candles are lit. I got home about an hour and a half ago, and talked to mom and kendall while I reheated a global smorgasbord of leftovers- everything from pad thai, mac and cheese, and sundried tomatoes with basil. I’m still getting used to living by myself and figuring out what cooking for one person looks like.
Today I finished my second day of orientation, and both days have been really great so far. Monday was scary at first, but I made some friends on my way over from the parking garage and that made the day run much smoother. At lunch I met a girl I really connected with, Samantha, and she and I decided to be real friends. That is, after I asked her “can we be friends?”. She’s from New Hampshire (but doesn’t know brookwoods or deer run.) and went to Asbury for her undergrad. Its so weird to talk about undergrad… but I guess I have to get used to the idea that I’m not pretending to be a grown up but that its really happening. I pay bills now and to the electric company and write checks and stuff. So grownup .
Oh I almost forgot, last night sarah and her bro Johnny and I drove 7 miles each way to eat a chick-fil-a. on the way over I realized I was wearing my I <3 chick-fil-a shirt, and I felt like total fast food nerd. I asked if I could get a discount for being a big fan, and they said no! how rude.
So yesterday was great, very encouraging. Today I was running a little late, and on my way up to the 11th floor of the parking garage I got pulled over by a cop on a motorcycle. Yeah, didn’t see him coming, I had cut a corner and driven through some empty spaces, he yelled at me “now how careless was that! Next time go all the way around!!” he was mad, I was scared and sheepish, and he let me go. Whew. Then I got lost walking to my building, and finally got there 2 min. late- sweaty and panting. I didn’t feel so grownup then. But my new friends had saved a seat for me and I slipped in the back.
Today I met lots more girls and one boy, most of the girls were roommates of other girls I knew (jenny from wheaton) who are christians. Its indescribable the comfort I get from knowing that I share a deep soul connection with someone because they love God too. Its like how people like other people automatically if they’re both star treck fans, or love metallica, except that this kind of similarity goes into how you think and move and act and speak. Its so sweet. I think ill find a community here that can really support me academically and spiritually.
The past few nights I’ve had bad dreams, last night I dreamed I was at church and was about to take communion but the pastor was serving ice cream instead and a friend and I were in line but she hadn’t been baptized so she couldn’t get any and I yelled “why haven’t you been baptized?!” and everyone heard it and so she wasn’t my friend after that and I felt so bad. It wasn’t a great night of rest. I think the devil is attacking my dreams- my family and church- because this is a vulnerable time for me. I’m living alone for two weeks until sarah moves in over labor day, and I really hope to continue the devotional habits ive begun so far.
I love my church already, and I’ve signed up for a small group with my church and am looking forward to that beginning. Several people came up to me and welcomed me, and I really enjoyed the service. There are several wheaties there too! But I haven’t met them yet.

Whew, im so tired! Im planning on going to bed early and getting up early and walking. I’m going to play a little guitar before bed too. I miss living with my girls and enjoying each other’s presence, especially while cooking. Its weird to cook alone. Kitchens to me symbolize groups and talking and togetherness, now its scavenge. Haha, ok not that bad, but Im just getting used to this whole ‘im not living with 7 other girls anymore’. Its very different, but I'm aclimating slowly but surely.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Becca, I love that you're blogging about your TN life and I love reading about it :) Keep it up sweet dear. I miss you!