Friday, August 28, 2009

I'm getting all domestic on ya

Living with Elizabeth was inspiring in many ways- she showed me you dont have to be a jock to be an athlete, or a prudish genius to be a theology major. The latest lesson I learned from her is that you dont have to be martha stewart (or Mom) to be a cook. Each discipline has several common ingredients: one part determination, 3 parts practice, and a heaping tbsp of patience. These lessons have enriched my life in countless ways, and have freed me from having one or two skills as opposed to a wide variety of hobbies and talents I can develop over time. Ah, The beauty of an interdisciplinary life! It keeps giving and giving. Although I was a little intimidated to try to bake my own bread, I was hungry and wanted to make a PB&J for lunch tomorrow so I went for it. Inspired by Elizabeth's weekly ritual of baking the most good smelling delicious fluffy yet substantial gluten packed loaves, I followed suit. Now I get to enjoy the fruit of my labor all week long. so thanks for all the inspiration E! I wish I could share my first loaf with you all with some of mom's raspberry jam.
go bake bread!


Nana said...

OH, it's beautifullll!!!! In fact, Dad has a picture like that of me, when I first tried my hand at baking bread in Lexington. Somehow, I was never able to make a consistently good loaf and eventually gave up - BUT, perhaps you'll inspire me to try again. It looks so good.

kcolquitt said...

good job boo! it looks mucho deliciouso!