Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Home Sweet Home

So my first semester at wheaton is over and done with. It was great. God gave me a great pair of roomates, wonderful friends, and lots of new experiences. Its also great to have finals behind me. I am not such a big fan of cumulative test. I have now been home for five days. I do miss my wheaton friends a great deal, but it is good to be around the coopsters and sawyer folk again. It is also nice to drive downtown and see Lake Michigan. The first night I was home Dad and I went down to see the sunset. The beach looks so cold and lonely now compared the bright and busy summertime. It is still beautiful in am more wild way.
Britta is happy to have me home again. She keeps whining at my door early in the morning to get me out of bed to play with her. Yesterday I built a fire in the fireplace and Britta just loved it. We both fell asleep in front of the fire for awhile. All in all, its good to be home.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


YHM, or youth hostel ministry, is something I have heard about for a long time from my sister Kendall. While at Wheaton, Kendall participated in YHM and traveled all over Europe visiting youth hostels where she shared Christ with lonely travelers. Her high reviews of the program led me to look into it earlier this semester and apply for this upcoming summer. Last week I got the acceptance letter, along with my roomate Andrea who is also going to do YHM- we were both ecstatic. We looked forward to when we would find out where in Europe we would be sent, and who our groups were. Last night we found out, we are in separate groups, she will be in spain, and I will be in Bergen, Norway, the land of my ancestors. The first three weeks of the summer will be spent there running a hostel- making beds, being the hostess, and cooking. Then we will travel for the last five weeks all over Europe. There are two boys and one other girl in our group. Their names are Stephanie, Devin, and Chris. Stephanie and Devin seem pretty nice, and I still have not met Chris. Please be praying now for our trip this summer. We have a lot of preparation work to do. Please pray also a head of time for the people we will encounter on our travels. So my summer is set. I think it will be great.
Look at this place!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Life Is A Highway

So its been a while... life has been pretty busy. I still haven't quite mastered the whole balance issue, I wonder if anyone has. I cannot belive how fast this first semester has flown by. There are many things I never got around to doing, like visiting Taylor before the semester ended, and finishing my quilt. But I have done many more unexpected things that have been so wonderful. I went to boston, to honey rock, to ohio, indiana, and iowa; I climbed walls, rode on a hot air balloon, and ran around Chicago. My favorite thing about wheaton is joining Crew and enjoying that great group of people. i love it.

God has truly blessed me. I only wish i didn't have to leave everybody at Taylor. Next week is exams week- please pray.