Sunday, August 23, 2009

Goodbye for now

Here are some photos of my last day at home. Mom sent me off with a beautiful breakfast spread (thanks so much momma!) and I got to say goodbye in person to my brother, who is off to another adventure himself. I miss you guys!

One last short update about nashville, Sarah and Johnny (her brother) got here last night and we unpacked most of her things. It was great to have someone is the apartment with me! I was getting a little lonely. This morning we went to church, and it was wonderful. I met lots of friendly people and after i mentioned wheaton one lady said there were about 6 other wheaties there. I signed up for a small group and can't wait to get to know people better. I like it here!
Love, Boo


Nana said...

I miss you!!! Am glad Sarah made it safely down there - will be praying for you tomorrow as you begin orientation - Can't wait to see more pics of the apartment and the progress you've made.
Love you loads - talk tomorrow.

kcolquitt said...

you are definitely the baby; i never got a spread like that! of course, i never went to nursing school, either, but that's besides the point. hope you're having a great day! love you loads!