Thursday, February 08, 2007


For reference, this last blog might be better understood when you read summer's first. Her link is in the right hand column.
Today is my favorite day of the week, Thursday. I woke up at 6:30 and worked out, hopped in the pool, and then headed toward saga for a delicious custom made omelet. They are just so good. The rest of the day I plan to spend studying in my warm room in comfortable sweatpants and my lovely slippers my brother gave me. I am so happy its Thursday.
Oh yeah, one more thing. Yesterday I had a YHM meeting, and we had three professors there answering tough questions that past YHMers encountered during the summer. It was so interesting and inspiring. I wish all classes were like that. I learned more last night than I probably do in a week of classes, and thats 15 hours of class. Why do classes have to be so much more boring and uninteresting than just talking to smart people? Alright, enough procrastinating. Time to study.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you study all day in your sweatpants?