Sunday, October 29, 2006

Think Summer

I know it is still October, or as they say in spanish, Octubre, but I am already trying to hash out my plans for this summer. That gets me thinking about this past summer, which was one of my very favorites. I loved being an intern at Sawyer, it challenged me in ways I could never have thought of. I also liked having a real grownup job with an I.D. and time card swiper at the hospital. Waking up early and having breakfast with Dad was priceless. One evening i was working the 3-11 shift, and during my dinner break David, Mom, and Dad all came over and had dinner with me at the little hospital cafe. That was so fun. Its amazing what a difference it makes when you see someone who loves you and cares about you in the midst of an often unloving and difficult work place. Thanks guys, you made my night.
Since I stayed home last summer, I would love to go abroad somewhere, possibly a spanish speaking country to brush up on my espanol. Here are a few of my choices:
Ecuador to study spanish for a month with a program Taylor offers.
YHM- youth hostel ministry, i would travel around europe for the summer and help out at different hostels.
L'abri- perhaps in British Columbia?
So basically, i have lots of options and who knows what will happen between now and then, but I just love thinking up plans.


Unknown said...

You are so cute.

kcolquitt said...

YHM YHM YHM YHM YHM!!!!!!! you'll LOVE IT! THE most amazing summer of my life--i wish both my cameras hadn't broken, darn it, but even so, it is amazing and wonderful and SUPER fun! YHM YHM YHM YHM!!!