Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New Start

I dont even feel like making excuses for not blogging in so long. What can I say, my blogging time is a privilege and gift, something I can only do when time allows.

Time isn't really allowing right now, its just that i am at the library trying to read Apollinaris' work on Christology and Nestorious' account on the incarnation. My brain is just about done for today, however the list of articles to read and papers to writes continues.
Reading is so difficult sometimes. I wish I could read and understand faster than I do now. Even though the ADD meds have drastically improved my past study/reading habits, sometimes I still get frustrated by how long it takes to read it all and understand it.

Today was a long day. I woke up early to take a test in physiology lab-it didn't go so well- and the rest of the day was spent in class, eating, studying, and talking with friends. I had an unusual amount of really good conversation today. I just love people, hearing from people what they think and feel, what they believe, what their faith is like. People are so interesting.

ok im going to try to write down my notes and perhaps find some inspiration here for my paper.
Apollonaris was......
Ok forget that idea. I'm going to get to bed. Too tired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are too cute! I will pray that your study time will be productive.

Love, Miss Sherri