-sleep is important, especially when working 3 twelve hour shifts in a row, so you shouldn't feel lame going to bed at 9:30.
-wash your hands
-take the tourniquet off after putting the needle in when drawing blood.
- wash your hands.
- strep throat makes life harder. First line drug therapy is Penicillin- make sure your provider knows this. grr.
- wash your hands
-Nashville in the summer is like living in a giant hot cloud of steam coming from burning asphalt, just add pollen.
- use lotion on your hands
- treat all your patients like they are your parents.
- scrubs are great, except when you order longs and the pant legs are still too short
- Squirrel weddings are fantastic
- moving is always hard and brings out emotions i didnt know i had, but good thing my wonderful brother David helped arrange our furniture. thanks bro.
- I like driving a uhaul truck. very much.
- Birthdays are wonderful.
- Ukuleles make the world a brighter happy place.
- Records is spelled r-e-c-o-r-d-s. oops.
- Wash your hands and your dishes.
- I am so blessed by living with Sarah and Lacie
- Kayaking into the sunset is a new favorite, especially with wonderful friends.
- Being Aunt Boo only gets better.
- Church weekly renews my soul.
These are just a few things I've learned in the past few months. Hopefully I've learned enough to pass the NCLEX, my big huge test that determines if I become a nurse or not. So, if you happen to read this before October 12, please say a prayer for me, and if I seem hard to reach until then, know that I would really love to chat but I'm probably studying. maybe not, but i should be.
dearest Boodle,
Am so glad you were able to have some good study and loving time with nanny and papa. Sounds like it was a refreshing time. Our prayers are with you as you prepare for the test and on the test day!!! So glad to see such a wonderful update!
love love love this post. and you.
Becca Boo, I just love you. :) Praying your big test goes well!
I love you! You are amazing!
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