Thursday, February 05, 2009

What I did with the superbowl

Don't worry mom and dad, I'm still doing my homework, but from time to time I just gotta release my creative juices in some way or another. Being that its too cold to walk outside and enjoy God's green earth for very long, I've taken up exacto-knifing valentines. So far I haven't cut off any fingers, but I'll keep you updated.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Summer time.

When you got married and I said my toast, I told you that you were the one who put magic in my life. Its still true. You hid letters from the fairies to me at the base of trees, you read George McDonald’s “At the Back of the North Wind” and “Lillith” and countless other fairy tales. You sang the “lion song” to me, and taught me the words to simon and garfunkles “sound of silence.” At the farm under the willow trees I remember laying down in 3 feet of soft spring grass and singing “If i had a hammer” at the top of our lungs.

you taught me how to do my hair and to embrace the whispies. You showed me how to enjoy nature and go camping and to snowboard like a pro.
You listened to my complaints about Grace Christian, my highschool/homeschool drama, my blabbing on and on about horses. You wrote me letters and sent me packages at college and camp, you taught me how to write.
Thanks sis, thanks for caring and loving and sharing. I miss you mucho. Happy Birthday.
Love, the Elf